• My belief is that God is an ever-loving being who loves us as a parent loves their children. Would a parent who loves their children ever destroy them? I can't imagine my children doing anything where I would want to kill them. I would be very disappointed and possibly angry but honestly can't see myself destroying them. If I can't destroy my own children then certainly a God who loves us infinitely more then I love my children wouldn't destroy ANY of his children.
  • I think if a god was to exist then they would certainly be above any feelings of anger towards mankind and I doubt they would feel the need to punish us in any way (we punish ourselves enough anyway).
  • I believe it is something to be feared: Good thing I don't believe in It.
  • Wasn't it decided that He was going to be a kinder, gentler God after the Old Testament? Isn't that why he placed Jesus on earth, to take away the sins of the world and to forgive? Maybe that's just my wacky interpretation. Either way, the wrath of God doesn't bother me at all.
  • The wrath of God should be frightening to all of us. It is easy to say I don't believe in it but God Himself declares that He is angry with sin in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus did not come to remove any of the Old Testament laws but came to fulfil them therefore it is true that through Him there is forgiveness for sins. His death on the cross propitiates or turns away God's anger. The punishment that we deserve was laid upon Jesus in order that forgiveness might be received. We often pay the price in order that our children are forgiven their wrong doing eg a neighbours broken window. If we are willing to pay such a cost how much more God in heaven is willing to pay for your sins.John 3:17 tells us that He does not want any one of us to perish. Therefore God's wrath is absolute but by His grace and mercy we do no need to pay the penalty of our sin. why not consider such truth?
  • God has no wrath. God's entire nature is Love.
  • God is angry at all of the sin in the world, that's why He says repent and you will be forgiven. In the bible it says "Vengeance is Mine" saith the Lord. All of the things that are happening in this world will eventually come to a hault. There will be plagues, and alot more blood shed. Read about the plagues in Revelations, also read the story of Pharoah and see what happen to the egyptians; these plagues are similiar to the plagues that will come again. All of the things that are happening in this world now are signs and warnings.
  • God has shown His wrath, IE the flood, taking of all first Egyption children, and such. But He is the most loving, extremely patient Father. He has given His commands, sent His Son to give us another chance and yet many still do not want to believe. One day, and He is the only One who knows when; He will send Jesus back and then we will see His wrath again. For more details please read Revelations. I'm just glad I wouldn't be here till after it is all done. In His service, <:))))<>< "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21 Edit: Boy, my prayer list is getting full again. May God bless you mightily troll. I'm truly sorry that you don't believe that I should believe this, your loss not mine!
  • I believe that God is a loving God and does not desire any of His creation to perish(be separated from Him). It is His desire to have every single person be His child. He sent Jesus for that purpose. He is a just God and will punish evil and rebellion. He has done it in the past and will do it in the future. Do not confuse mercy and grace with leniency and toleration of sin. It may seem like He allows these things because they don't really matter as long as most people are basically good. That is not the case. He is holding back so that people will have time to make a decision to follow His ways. The time will come when His wrath will be poured out on the earth and at that time it will be too late to change your mind.
  • It's xian nonsense. Yet another pathetic scare tactic.
  • &#039;The wrath of God' is a term from the OT where you see the supernatural power controling nature & making stuff happen... Gods wrath in another context is the future inprisionment & torture of satan & those who reject him... I believe in Gods love & Wrath becuase I see it in our society & here on this website... And lastly everybody has noticed that nature is seemingly going crazy... Common its another sign kids!
  • I haven't answered this question because I see reasonably valid points in each answer. Points for everyone !
  • The wrath of god is always directed toward sinners and non- believers, have you ever had a kid that no matter what you said, he just would not listen, we are that kid, we try to tell god ( the parent ) what he going to do for us and when we don't get our way we tell him to go away, this is where we are now, accordingly, we are loosing our god given right to govern our self and with all the Cris's coming down, i don't for-see a future for the u.s.a. , as for me i do not trust in man , he has been making the same mistakes for 6,000 yrs.
  • i think that god can get angry but hates to do it because he loves us and took the time to make us all different. i agree that he has a loving caring nature and shows it through the world around us. (have you smiled today?) :)
  • Simple, fear it, God is Power.

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