• The Minotaur is half man half bull. The Minotaur was the love child of king Minos' wife and a bull she fell in love with. Of course King minos would not want this child seeing as it wasn't his so he had Deadelus build the Labyrinth and locked the Minotaur up in it. The minotaur would devouer the 14 child tribute from athens every year until finally Theseus slayed the minotaur.
  • It's a long, long story, but briefly: The Minotaur was the offspring of Pasiphae (the wife of King Minos of Crete) and the white bull of Poseidon. It had the body of a man and the head of a bull. The Minotaur was imprisoned in a labyrinth built by Daedalus, and King Minos sacrificed the young men and women of Athens (7 youths and 7 maidens were sent as tribute every 9 years after a war between Crete and Athens triggered by the murder of King Minos' son) to it. The Minotaur was killed by Theseus, the son of King Ageus of Athens and Aethra, the daughter of King Pittheus of Troezen. Theseus volunteered as one of the 7 youths in order to kill the Minotaur, and did so with the aid of Minos' daughter Ariadne.
  • Poseidon was angry with the mother of the Minotaur who was a queen. So Aphrodite, who controls every mortal and god's love life, made the queen desire a bull. The creator of the labyrith - which the would later imprison the Minotaur - created a cow costumes to fit the queen so she could attract the bull. 'Minotaur' actually means the 'Bull Of Minos.' Just some background information!
  • a Minotaur is a humanoid bull who lived in a underground maze
  • I think it was half man half bull. I'm not sure though
  • Avatar The Minotaur is half man half bull. The Minotaur was the love child of king Minos' wife and a bull she fell in love with. Of course King minos would not want this child seeing as it wasn't his so he had Deadelus build the Labyrinth and locked the Minotaur up in it. The minotaur would devouer the 14 child tribute from athens every year until finally Theseus slayed the minotaur.
  • ok, since I grew up with this mythology here is another accepted interpretation. Crete, at the time, had a strangle hold over the rest of Greece. The reason for this was their fleet. Each year, each of the city-states that wanted to be able to continue trading by sea or did not want to be attacked had to pay a tribute. That, as stated, was 7 boys and 7 girls. The reason for the young age is that they had to be people who could be very flexible and athletic. Then, they would be made part of, to cut a long story short, an ancient bullfight ritual, to honour Poseidon. So so the Minotaur was simply the name of the festival, as the king of Crete was Minos, at that time.

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