• photoyucky Kidding! Please don't blast my answer. The dictionaries and thesauruses I consulted do not have antonyms for photogenic or telegenic. Interesting question.
  • True, after extensive research I didn't find an specific word as an antonym for "photogenic", but..... Then trying to follow the rules for these cases according with the English Language I tried the following: Given that "photogenic" is formed by the fusion of a noun (photo, from photograph) and a suffix (-genic, meaning suitable), then I though that what I need to look for is the antonym of the suffix.....but guess what, I didn't find an sinonym for "unsuitable" in the form of a word like "genic". Again, trying to follow the English Language rules, I concluded: When no proper antonym can be found you can always use a preffix meaning "non" or "the opposite" taking in consideration the final sound of the word, in this case the best would be the preffix "-un". Thus, an acceptable antonyn of photogenic would be "unphotogenic". Hope it works for you!
  • The opposite is unphotogenic. The reason it doesn't appear in the dictionary is usually found under the "un-" prefix. Basically you can add 'un' to virtually most adverb or adjectives. By doing a quick survey on google, I found unphotogenic was used more frequently than other alternatives I could think of. Try typing "unphotogeni" into google and it will say "Did you mean unphotogenic?" showing that google recognises the word. unphotogenic 21000 nonphotogenic 229 antiphotogenic 82 aphotogenic 15 inphotogenic 3 (non-english speaking sites) photoyucky 2 (answerbag of course!) (photogeneic 2 080 000)
  • how bout photoallergic? :)
  • I have heard the term Phugly used.
  • Unattractive.
  • Normal as Popeye said 'I am what I am and that's all that I am'
  • me!... haha :P I take the pictures, not the other way around... i usually just say "not photogenic" or something like that, i'm not sure if there is actually a proper term for it though...
  • photophobic like I am :(
  • umm... pathogenic? XD

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