• Technically I believe that any amount of air molecules will cause a star to twinkle, thus to not have the twinkling effect you must completely leave earths atmosphere. However there are ways in which you can reduce the twinkling effect, either through discovering locations that have very little atmospheric turbulence, , to using complex mathematics and computer modeling to reduce the effects of the twinkling, (this more discusses the things we can see through the atmosphere without worrying about distortion and how we can use it to gain useful information about the object we are viewing). Basically, however, I think we are stuck seeing twinkling stars. I have yet been able to find any information about any star besides the sun that is close enough to be "untwinkling". The closest star is Proxima Centauri coming in at just about 4.2 light years away, however it's apparent magnitude is just about 11.05. Thus it is not visible to the naked eye. The closest visible star is Rigil Kentaurus at just 4.3 light years away with an apparent magnitude of -0.01 and is thus very visible. I believe that Rigil Kentaurus does in fact twinkle. When did humans first see these untwinkling stars? The first time we left our atmosphere. On April 12, 1961 cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was most likely the first person to ever see a untwinkling star. You might be able to argue that there were pictures sent from space before that, but i doubt that any of them were motion pictures that were able to accurately capture a non-twinkling star. Links:

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