• The oldest species of hominid so far discovered is Australopithecus, who appeared 8 to 5 million years ago. This hominid was already bipedal, so the answer to your question can only be "at least 8 million years ago".
  • One theory I have read is that by walking on 2 legs, it freed the hands to work with. After freeing the hands we began to use them to minipulate small objects around us with far greater precision . This gave us a distinct advantage over other animals as we could live somewhere away from predators, and by manipulate the environment make it a safe place to live. Other animals could not manipulate where they live and therefore have to live where their food grew, regardless of what predators lived there as well, meaning they were eaten far more trhan we were. ------------------------------- Sorry Grandma, I didn't read the question correctly, but it is interesting!
  • Immediately. Men did not come from apes.

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