• An ingrown hair infection, or folliculitis, occurs when hair follicles become infected with fungus or bacteria. There are several potential causes of infected ingrown hairs.


    Shaving is the most common cause of inflamed ingrown hairs. Using a dull blade, especially one with rust, or an electric razor can cause ingrown hairs that become infected. Both shaving means do not always properly remove a hair from the root and might contain bacteria,

    Blocked Pores

    Using petroleum-based shaving creams and oils clogs your hair follicles, which promotes ingrown hairs and infections.

    Excessive Sweating

    Sweating profusely and not immediately showering causes clogged pores that can cause an ingrown hair to become infected.

    Pools and Hot Tubs

    Pools and hot tubs that are not properly treated with chlorine are breeding grounds for bacteria and fungus that can infect ingrown hairs.

    Tight Clothing

    Friction from tight clothing prohibits pores from breathing and can cause infections.


    Mayo Clinic: Folliculitis

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