• Electrolytes are positive and negatively charged chemicals in the body that regulate important bodily functions. When the exchange of these electrolyte ions is imbalanced, you can become sick.


    Calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and chlorides are examples of electrolytes which, when dissolved in water, separate into positive and negatively charged ions. The balanced exchange of these ions in and out of the cells regulates your body's nerve reactions, heart functions, fluid absorption and excretion, muscle functions and concentration.


    Electrolyte imbalance can be caused by several factors, including dehydration due to prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, sweating and high fever. Imbalances can also be caused by stomach disorders, which stop electrolyte absorption; hormonal and endocrine disorders; kidney disease; and complications of chemotherapy.


    Some symptoms of electrolyte imbalance include muscle spasms, weakness, twitching of the muscles, convulsions, numbness, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, confusion and blood pressure changes. These symptoms are all indications of irregular, high or low levels of electrolytes in the body.


    Various methods are used to diagnose electrolyte imbalance, including physical exams and a study of the history of the symptoms. Urine and blood tests, ultra sounds, X-rays and EKG tests are used to determine the cause of electrolyte imbalance.


    After diagnosing the cause of the electrolyte imbalance, treatments are chosen. Major electrolyte imbalance can be treated with intravenous electrolyte replacement. Minor imbalances can be corrected through dietary changes.


    Electrolyte Imbalance

    Chemocare: Electrolyte Imbalance

    Problems With Electrolyte Balance

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