• Hydroxyzine hydrochloride (HCL) is an antihistamine used in people with tension and anxiety. Known as Atrarax, hydroxyzine HCL is often used in combination with other medicines to help the physical symptoms of anxiety.


    Hydroxyzine HCL functions by reducing histamines in the body, a chemical that is released during an allergic reaction. Histamines can make breathing difficult and raise levels of inflammation in the body.


    Beyond anxiety, hydroxyzine HCL is also prescribed to help people who are itchy from an allergic reaction. It is also used as a sedative to help the function of anesthesia.

    Time Frame

    According to, hydroxyzine HCL is not meant for long term treatment of anxiety. The maximum time frame for use is up to four months.

    Side Effects

    One of the most common side effects of hydroxyzine HCL is sleepiness. While mild side effects like dry mouth affect those who take hydroxyzine HCL, people on higher doses are at a risk of convulsions and muscular tremors.


    Hydroxyzine HCL can be administered via injections or tablet form. Your doctor will likely adjust the dosage to maximize effects and cut down drowsiness.


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