• When you brought your cute little puppy home, you likely had thoughts of curling up on the couch together, exchanging kisses, and spending endless hours cuddling and snuggling. Instead, you've got a wound-up ball of fur that is sinking its razor-sharp teeth into everything---the couch, your shoes and even your face. How can you train your little piranha to be the sweet puppy you dreamed she would be? By instilling a few behavioral modifications in a patient and persistent way.

    Avoid Rough Play

    To stop your puppy from biting, you must avoid any and all behaviors that will encourage him to do so, and this includes certain types of play. Avoid playing tug-of-war, wrestling or chase games, according to the dog behavior website These aggressive-type games only encourage biting behavior, suggests the website. Furthermore, do not allow your puppy to play with or bite your hands. Many puppies will exhibit this behavior, and though it may seem fun and cute initially, it can quickly turn into a potentially dangerous issue, particularly when the puppy becomes large. Most puppies do not bite their owners to inflict pain; they are simply exploring their worlds with their mouths. However, the behavior needs to be corrected early on to prevent it.

    Correct the Behavior

    When your puppy bites you, you must correct the behavior right away. suggests behaving in a way that the puppy thinks she hurt you. Say "Ouch" in a loud voice when the puppy bites you, then pull away and stop playing for a few minutes. Your voice will startle the puppy and he will soon learn that play stops when he bites. This behavior mimics what is found in a litter of puppies when one pup takes it a bit too far. The training website also recommends moving away from the puppy when she bites you, then returning with a toy. Practice this routine each time the puppy bites you. Stop the puppy from biting you by saying "No" and gently grabbing his lower jaw with your thumb and forefinger. Hold the puppy's mouth in this manner for about 10 seconds, states Your puppy will begin to associate this uncomfortable position with biting and will likely soon avoid it. Another method in which to stop your puppy from biting you is to yell "Ouch," then grab the loose skin around the puppy's neck, according to Give a firm, nonviolent shake and say "No bite." Let the puppy go and encourage her to play with a toy. Soon you will be able to forgo the physical command and only use the verbal. Give your puppy treats and praise when he plays without biting, or doesn't bite you in a situation in which he did before. Never allow your puppy to display undesired behavior even once. It is very difficult to correct an act that you've previously allowed. The sooner you teach your puppy to stop biting, the sooner she will begin to understand.


    Dog Obedience Training Review: How to Stop a Puppy From Biting

    Dog Breed Info: Puppy Biting

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