• As many as 60 to 80 percent of pregnant women suffer from nausea, usually during the first 12 weeks. Certain foods, smells or activities can trigger the nausea in some women, while for others, it's constant. While this can certainly curtail a woman's lifestyle, it doesn't have to completely interrupt her schedule. A magic pill doesn't exist to stop the symptoms, but a few things can be done to alleviate them.

    What to Eat

    Many people distance themselves from food when they feel nauseous, but approach is an especially bad idea because the pregnant woman needs to keep her strength and nutrition up for herself and the baby. Skipping meals will also cause your blood sugar levels to drop, which can cause nausea. Eating a small meal or snack every few hours can keep the nausea at bay, even though it may sound counter-intuitive. If you can only handle a little food, eat something loaded with carbohydrates, such as potatoes, pasta or bread. Crackers are also good. These foods will raise your blood sugar levels quickly, hopefully keeping the nausea away. Try eating a snack just before bed. A few slices of turkey or ham, or something else with plenty of protein, will help keep your blood sugar elevated while you sleep. Eat a few crackers first thing in the morning to raise your blood sugar levels--you might even try eating them before before you get out of bed.

    What to Drink

    Ginger and lemon flavors, such as those found in ginger ale or lemonade made with fresh lemons, can help ease the nausea, according to If the smell of the drinks makes you nauseous, try drinking it through a straw, which will allow the drink to bypass the nose. If the carbonation in soda seems to worsen your situation, stir it with a spoon for a few minutes before drinking or allow it to sit out for a few hours first to eliminate the fizz.

    Taking Vitamins

    Some women have feel sick when taking prenatal vitamins. To reduce these feelings, try taking the vitamins at a different time of day. If that doesn't work, try switching brands. Some brands contain vitamin ingredients that might affect you differently.

    Other Solutions

    "Pregnancy lollipops" are available in maternity shops as well as online that claim to cure nausea. They usually taste like cough drops and contain ginger and lemon. Exercise, aromatherapy and acupuncture are among the different methods that some women have had success with, according to Talk with your doctor before beginning these or any other home regimens, however.

    Source: Morning Sickness Handling Morning Sickness

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