• The digestive system permits the intake and breakdown of food to make nutrients available to the body. Abdominal pain or nausea associated with eating may signal an underlying health problem in the digestive system.


    The stomach is responsible for passing food into the small intestines via the duodenum for absorption of nutrients. A disorder involving pain in the stomach may lead to nutritional deficiencies, as the individual may refuse to eat to avoid pain.

    Prediverticular Disease

    Prediverticular disease involves weakening in and degeneration of the wall of the colon. It causes a narrowing of the bowels and one of its symptoms, according to "Lippincotts Manual of Nursing Practice," is abdominal pain that worsens after eating.

    Peptic Ulcer Disease

    Peptic ulcer disease occurs when a person has wounds along his lower esophagus, stomach or duodenum. One symptom is a gnawing or burning abdominal pain that occurs a few hours after eating. When there is blockage along the digestive tract due to an ulcer, nausea may also occur after eating.

    Chronic Intestinal Ischemia

    When blood supply to the digestive system is inadequate, the increased demand for blood that occurs after eating causes a person to experience pain. This condition is known as chronic intestinal ischemia.

    Stomach Cancer

    According to "Lippincotts Manual of Nursing Practice," stomach cancer involves the growth of a malignant tumor in the walls of the stomach. According to the Mayo Clinic, this condition is associated with salted and smoked foods. One of its symptoms is pain caused by eating.


    Mayo Clinic: Intestinal ischemia

    Mayo Clinic: Stomach cancer

    Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice; Sandra M. Nettina ANP-BC.; 2009

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