• Urinary diversion is when the bladder is removed or when normal structures are bypassed and an opening in the abdominal wall is made to divert urine. People who require urinary diversion are those whose bladders are nonfunctional or have had their bladders removed.

    Anatomy of the Urinary Tract

    The urinary tract is made up of two kidneys, a urinary bladder, two ureters and a urethra. Urine moves from the kidney to the bladder through the ureters. Urine is stored within the bladder, and moves through the urethra, then is passed out of the body upon urination.

    IIeal Conduit Urinary Diversion

    IIeal conduit urinary diversion is a procedure that allows the ureters to drain freely into a small portion of the ileum, which is the last segment of the small intestine. The ureters drain from the end of the ileum, which is brought through a small opening in the abdominal wall called a stoma. The stoma is covered by a bag, which gathers urine as it drains.

    Indiana Pouch Reservoir

    This type of surgery requires a reservoir, or a pouch, to be made from a portion of the large intestine and a portion of the ileum. Ureters are repositioned to drain into the reservoir so urine can flow freely in a downward direction from the kidneys to the pouch. A piece of the small intestine is brought out through a stoma. The stoma is covered with an adhesive bandage instead of an external bag. Every four to six hours a catheter is inserted into the stoma to empty the pouch.

    Neobladder to Urethra Diversion

    This procedure uses a tiny portion of the small intestine to make a reservoir, which is connected to the urethra. Ureters are repositioned to drain into the reservoir. Urine passes from the kidney to the ureters, to the reservoir and to the urethra in a similar way to the normal passing of urine.

    After Surgery

    Once surgery is complete, an ostomy, wound and continence nurse may work with you to teach you how to care for your urinary diversion. Within the first two to three weeks after surgery, activities may be restricted and you will probably be able to eat a regular diet. If you have to wear a urostomy pouch, you will find that the bag lays flat against the body and you should be able to wear all of your normal clothing.


    About Urinary Diversion

    Types of Urinary Diversion

    About Urinary Diversion

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