• A heat stroke is a life-threatening emergency that often occurs when people exercise or work outdoors in hot and humid weather conditions. Hot temperatures may cause a person's body temperature to rise to dangerous levels, resulting in a heat stroke.


    Heat stroke can develop quickly. Infants and elderly people are the most likely candidates for heat stroke and people who take certain types of medication. At the onset of a heat stroke, a person's body temperature may be over 105 degrees F.

    Neurological Effects

    Some of the first symptoms of heat stroke may be hallucinations, confusion, dizziness or a coma. These are neurological effects that can cause serious illness or even death.

    Other Effects

    Some other effects of heat stroke may include an increased body temperature of over 105 degrees, flushed and hot skin, dry skin, hyperventilation, dehydration and an elevated blood pressure. As the effects of a heat stroke worsen, blood pressure may fall rapidly.


    A heat stroke is a serious condition that must be treated by emergency medical personnel. It is important to call 911 immediately if you think someone has suffered a heat stroke.


    It is important to stay hydrated while working or exercising outdoors, especially in hot, humid weather. Wearing light-colored loose clothing and taking frequent breaks from the sun will also help prevent a heat stroke.


    Heat Exhaustion And Heat Stroke

    Dehydration And Heat Stroke

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