• Several conditions may create pain in and around the bladder. Symptoms can vary based on the cause of the pain. In general, bladder pain is described as pain or pressure in the lower abdominal region with pain or a frequent urge to urinate.

    Bladder Spasms

    Bladder spasms can happen to anyone, regardless of age or gender. This unpleasant condition creates a painful, often uncontrollable urge to urinate, and frequently it can cause actual urine leakage. Bladder spasms may result from a urinary tract infection, or could occur after a surgery or even as a side effect from taking certain medications.

    Urinary Tract Infection

    When bacteria invade the urinary tract, you can contract a urinary tract infection (UTI). Pain in the lower abdominal area is common, as is pain or burning upon urination, as well as cloudy or even bloody urine.

    Interstitial Cystitis

    A painful, chronic condition that affects women more frequently than men is interstitial cystitis (IC). Individuals suffering from IC will typically feel pain as their inflamed bladder fills with urine. The inflammation reduces the flexibility of the bladder and makes expansion difficult. Those suffering from IC may feel the urge to urinate more frequently despite passing only small amounts of urine.

    Bladder Cancer

    Cancer may form within the inner lining of the bladder, causing pain, a frequent urge to urinate and possibly blood in the urine. Symptoms of bladder cancer are similar to those of a urinary tract infection, so it is critical to pursue a correct diagnosis from your physician.

    Bladder Stones

    Stones can form not only in your kidneys but also in your bladder, creating a frequent urge to urinate, as well as pain with urination and often blood in the urine. While bladder stones are uncommon, they can and do occur. Large stones may have to be surgically removed.


    "The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide;" 1994 Bladder Pain Bladder Spasms

    More Information: Bladder pain

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