• The original belief behind colon cleansing relies on the idea that toxins trapped in the colon can cause harm to the body when re-absorbed. Colon cleansing is a way of relieving these toxins for a healthy overall lifestyle.

    Benefits of Colon Detox

    There is no sufficient scientific evidence to support the idea that toxins can be re-absorbed into the body and cause harm. However, scientists studying colon detox have found that a healthy digestive system creates a more peaceful nervous system. This can relieve cramping and pain associated with constipation.

    Natural Colon Detox

    You can naturally detoxify your colon by eating high-fiber foods and avoiding processed foods. Consume large amounts of fruit, oats and grains. Avoid consuming too much meat, processed or bleached carbohydrates and alcohol.

    Medicinal Colon Detox

    There are several medicines that can promote detoxification of the colon. For example, there are powders and drinks that allow you to expel toxins. However, there is no evidence that these work better than natural bowel movements at removing toxins from the colon.


    Recently, colonics have become popular as a way to promote weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. With a colonic, a machine is used to pump water into the colon and then expel the water and waste out. A colonic produces similar effects to an enema, but most people find a colonic more comfortable.

    Colon Cleanse Diets

    Colon cleanse diets are promoted as a weight loss tool. One popular diet promotes drinking lemon juice, syrup and cayenne pepper to eliminate toxins. There is no real scientific proof this can help remove toxins. Weight loss only occurs because of the low calorie intake during the cleanse.


    WebMD: Natural Colon Cleansing

    More Information:

    Natural Healing Today: Colon Cleanse Reviews

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