• The effects of the Great Depression were as varied as the individuals who experienced them. However, it was certainly a time of great hardship for most of those who were touched by it.

    Unemployment and Homelessness

    Perhaps one of the most noteworthy aspects of the Depression was the record high unemployment rates. During the worst years, up to 25 percent of Americans were unable to find work. Homelessness increased dramatically.

    Roles of Men and Women

    The lack of available jobs had a significant impact on the roles of men and women. Many men lost the role of provider for the household, while a large number of women left their roles as home caregivers to help support the family.


    This time of economic and emotional hardship had both positive and negative effects on families. Divorce rates went down dramatically, but many fathers walked out on their households, shamed by their inability to provide for them.


    Minorities experienced the brunt of hardship from the Great Depression, because the few remaining jobs were most often given to white people.


    Despite the severe hardship of the Great Depression, many describe it as a time of triumph for families and communities who learned to rely on each other.


    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression

    Life During the Great Depression

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