• Bladder infections, or cystitis, are common occurrences with many women, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms include a strong urge to urinate, painful urination, bloody urine and pressure or pain in the lower abdomen. There are several types of cystitis, which are treated differently. If you have a mild bladder infection, you can relieve symptoms by following a few steps.

    Drink Fluids

    Drink water and juices to keep hydrated and keep your system flushed. Don't drink caffeinated beverages because this could further irritate your bladder. It's also best to avoid spicy foods and citrus juices until the infection has cleared. Alkalizing your system is helpful, according to the Cystitis and Overactive Bladder Foundation. Mixing 1 tsp. of baking powder with a half cup of water every six hours will help lesson attacks, according to Women's Health Concerns.

    Try Medications

    Some over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, may help alleviate your pain. Other over-the-counter medications containing potassium or sodium citrate are also available. These will alkalize your system and inhibit the growth of bacteria. They also soothe your bladder because less acid is present.

    Apply Heat

    A hot compress or heating pad on the abdomen can ease the pain associated with bladder infections.

    Practice Good Hygiene

    Always wipe from front to back after using the restroom. Keep the vaginal area clean and don't use perfumed soaps or douches until the infection has cleared. Refrain from intercourse until the condition has cleared.

    Make Yourself Comfortable

    It's always good to get rest when you have an infection of any kind. Soaking in a warm bath (without oils or soaps) may help you feel better. Don't wear tight jeans or pants while you have a bladder infection and wear cotton or linen underwear. Loose clothing and natural fabrics allow air to circulate and this can prevent bacteria from reproducing.

    See Your Physician

    If you have a recurring bladder infection, you should let your physician know because there might be an underlying, more serious problem causing the infections. Interstitial cystitis is the result of an inflamed bladder wall and will need to be addressed by a physician. Some infections will only clear up by taking a dose of antibiotics.


    Mayo Clinic: Bladder Infection Treatments

    Cystitis and Overactive Bladder Foundation: Cystitis Treatment

    Women's Health Concern: Cystitis Treatment

    More Information:

    Merck Online Medical Library: Cystitis

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