• When compression occurs in the sciatic notch, an area in the pelvis housing the sciatic nerve, the resulting pain and tenderness may require professional treatment.

    Piriformis Syndrome

    The sciatic nerve runs through a space in the pelvis called the sciatic notch. explains that when a buttock muscle called the piriformis compresses the sciatic nerve at the sciatic notch, pain results.


    Direct trauma to the buttock or lower back, or indirect trauma from a stooping or lifting injury, may lead to piriformis syndrome.

    Alignment Problems

    Incorrect physical alignment from poor posture, unequal leg lengths, pelvic abnormalities or foot problems can lead to piriformis syndrome, according to Oxford University Press.


    Piriformis sciatic pain differs from lower-back sciatic pain. Sitting down tends to make piriformis sciatic pain worse, but standing or walking relieves it, and lumbar sciatic pain tends to react in the opposite manner.


    If an alignment issue has led to piriformis syndrome, correcting that issue will allow the condition to recede. Anti-inflammatory drugs, stimulation near the nerve root or surgery can help relieve pain and tenderness.

    Source: Piriformis Syndrome

    Oxford University Press: Sciatica Pain Distribution

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