• According to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the term shucking means, "to strip of shucks" or "to peel off." Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus lists the following words as synonyms: hull, husk, shell, discard and slough.

    Shucking Seafood

    Removing the meat from a shelled scallop, oyster or clam is referred to as shucking. The process involves sticking the tip of a shucking knife in between the top and bottom shells then running that knife all the way around the shell. With a twisting motion, the top shell is lifted from the bottom. The meat is then pried off the lower shell.

    Shucking Corn

    Shucking corn involves removing the husk's outer covering and the silk between the outer covering and the corn itself. You do not need special tools, just your hands.

    Shucking Peas

    Peas are also shucked from their pods. This can be easily done with fingers; no special tools or skills required.

    Shucking Fava Beans

    To shuck fava beans, first grasp the stem of the fava bean pod and "unzip" each side with the bean's string. Next, place the beans in boiling water for 30 seconds. Finally, move the hot beans into ice water and rub off the waxy coating.

    Fun Fact

    The annual Wellfleet OysterFest on Cape Cod includes an "Oyster Shuck-Off" competition.


    Maryland Info: How to Shuck Oysters

    Merriam-Webster: Online Dictionary & Thesaurus

    Local Foods: Fava Beans

    More Information:

    Houston Press: Shuck U: The Right Tool

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