• Diabetes can rob its sufferers of their vision by destroying blood vessels in the eyes and damaging the retina. Diabetes patients must take proper preventative measures to preserve their eyesight.

    Diabetes describes diabetes as a disease that prevents the body from making or properly using insulin to convert sugars into energy. This problem leads to excessive blood sugar, which can damage organs and blood vessels.

    Diabetic Retinopathy

    Diabetes can damage tiny blood vessels in the retina, the part of the eye that transmits visual signals to the brain. The resulting swelling, bleeding, and scar tissue can cause vision problems.


    Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy include blurry vision, sudden vision loss, strange visual artifacts--such as flashing light or floating shapes--and eye discomfort.


    Diabetes patients can prevent retinopathy by maintaining good blood sugar levels, getting regular checkups and eye exams, eating properly, and avoiding tobacco products and alcohol.

    Considerations warns that diabetic retinopathy may go unnoticed by the patient until damage has occurred, making a regular eye exam a critical part of early detection.

    Source: Diabetes: Eye Care

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