• Car engines are complex mechanisms that require a great number of valves to relieve and maintain pressure. The dump valve is an important valve in many different types of cars.


    Dump valves are used in turbocharged engines. They release any excessive pressure that comes from the turbocharger's boost.


    The dump valve will automatically open when there is excess pressure buildup in the turbocharger. It will then open, letting the pressure out of the engine and closing when enough pressure has escaped.


    The dump valve can help prolong the life of your engine by preventing excessive stress on your engine, burst pipework in the turbocharger, or even permanent and destructive damage to the engine itself.


    Dump valves look like small saucepans and are usually black in color. They are found inside of your turbocharger in your engine, with a small hose leading from the top to your engine.


    The dump valve doesn't experience many problems. It may grow rusty and fall off or the hinges can become weak or loose with time. These are easily fixable by replacing the valve or tightening the hinges. The one serious problem with the valve is when the rubber diaphragm develops holes, which cause excessive air leaks in the turbocharger, stealing much of its power.


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