• The Pilates Reformer is an exercise machine designed by Joseph Pilates with which to do a specific set of exercises. These exercises are meant to develop strength in the "core" region of the body and increase strength and flexibility throughout the body.

    Reformer Vs. Pilates Mat: is one better?

    The Pilates Method can be executed on the mat with no equipment, or on the Reformer. Traditionally, work on the Reformer preceded Mat work; the Reformer encourages correct alignment for the exercises and doesn't allow you to "cheat" by using the wrong set of muscles.

    Individual Attention

    Typically, Pilates Mat work will be in group classes, while Reformer work is generally taught one on one with a certified instructor. This means all the attention is focused on you correctly executing the exercises, and the class structure can be created with your personal fitness goals in mind. Private Reformer sessions can cost from $50 to 75, and mat classes from $10 to 20.


    The Reformer has a variety of weight levels which you can adapt to make the exercises more or less difficult. The instructor can help you with this. Remember, less is sometimes more! Sometimes the less weight you have on the machine, the more difficult the exercise is. A qualified, experienced instructor will know the difference and do her best to challenge you with the amount of weight.

    Low-Impact Cardio

    The Reformer is ideal for those who are overweight but need to get more cardiovascular exercise as well as strength and flexibility training. The Jump Board, an accessory which attaches to the Reformer, can provide an intense cardiovascular workout with little to no impact on the joints. This is ideal for those with weak joints, knee problems, extra weight, or those who prefer a low-impact form of cardio.


    There are Reformers available for home use, which range in price and quality. However, there is no need to purchase any new equipment if you choose not to--every big city and many small towns have fully equipped Pilates studios and gyms which feature Reformer classes and/or one on one sessions. Instructors are generally available throughout the day, so you can choose when you want your session, and how many times a week you would like to practice (three days a week is optimum).


    You will never get bored with Reformer work. Though it was created to facilitate a curriculum of specific exercises, instructors, physical therapists, dance medicine specialists, teacher trainers and those from other disciplines are constantly creating new exercises to perform on this versatile machine. There is always something new to learn, or a new application to be used with the Reformer.


    Pilates Method Alliance

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