• Stage IV breast cancer spreads beyond the breast and into other organs, such as the bones, brain, liver and lungs. This very serious condition is often called metastatic cancer, and is likely to be fatal.

    Life Expectancy

    Women with Stage IV breast cancer can expect to live at least two years and in rare cases 10 to 20 years with this condition. According to the Merk Manual, these statistics improve only slightly with treatment.


    Stage IV breast cancer can cause pain throughout the body, including the head, chest or ribcage, and bones. This pain can be treated with medication to help improve the patient's quality of life without attempting to treat the cancer itself.

    Other Symptoms

    Shortness of breath, fatigue, unsteady gait, confusion and lack of appetite are all symptoms of Stage IV breast cancer. If the cancer is not treated, these signs will continue and likely worsen.

    Hospice Care

    Those opting not to treat advanced breast cancer may benefit from hospice care, which focuses on alleviating symptoms without treating the disease. This care can be given at home and keep the patient comfortable.

    Emotional Needs

    Choosing not to treat Stage IV breast cancer often brings up a variety of complicated emotions, such as anger, grief and fear. Counselors, support groups, friends and family can help a patient cope with these difficult feelings in various ways.


    Information about Breast Cancer Stages

    Merk Manual on Breast Cancer

    Breast Cancer Resource Directory of North Carolina

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