• Not all types of fungus are the cause of yeast infections. Yeast infections are caused by a certain type of fungus. This fungus, otherwise known as candida albicans, can cause vaginal yeast infections, diaper rash and nail-bed infections.

    Common Cause

    Yeast is typically present on human skin and mucus membranes. However, small amounts do not cause infection. Some of the common causes of yeast infections include a lowered immune system, hormonal changes, antibiotics and intercourse.

    Yeast Infection Symptoms

    Symptoms depend on the type and area of infection. An oral infection is called thrush. Signs of a vaginal yeast infection include burning, redness and swelling of the vulva, pain when urinating and soreness. Infants and babies can get diaper rash.


    Most infections can be treated at home with over-the-counter or prescription medications. Remedies can come in the form of topical creams or oral medications. However, more serious infections may require IV treatments.


    Unlike yeast infections, fungus is the cause of such an infection, rather than the effect. Fungus favors warm and moist places, allowing parts of the skin to be more vulnerable than others. Fungus tends "to shed spores, which can grow into more fungus," according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. A common place for this to happen is in shoes.


    To prevent yeast infections or candida albicans, keep the skin dry, clean and abrasion-free. Avoid wearing wet bathing suits or damp clothing for long periods of time. In terms of fungus, especially that which occurs on the feet, keep feet dry and avoid walking barefoot in public places.


    HealthScout: Candida Albicans

    Kids Health: Yeast Infections

    American Osteopathic College of Dermatology: Fungus Prevention

    More Information:

    Planned Parenthood: Yeast Infection

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