• Bariatric surgery is weight loss surgery that over time, has become minimally invasive if performed in a highly professional clinic. While techniques have improved, there are still complications that recipients might experience post-surgery.

    B12 Deficiency

    A possible side effect of bariatric surgery is vitamin malabsorption. One of the most common vitamins affected is B12. A lack of B12 can cause anemia and neurologic complications.

    Venous Thrombosis

    Another possible complication of bariatric surgery is venous thrombosis, or a blood clot in the leg. These tend to form when people lie in bed immobile for a period of time. To prevent this complication, exercise your leg muscles to promote blood flow.


    Infections from the surgical incisions occur in about 5 percent of patients. These infections can very easily become serious, so if you feel that you're developing an infection, see your doctor immediately.


    In about 5 percent of cases, the area where the surgeon attaches the small intestine to the stomach can become ulcerated. Patients who have taken aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) are more likely to experience this post-operative complication.


    Hernias, or weaknesses near the incision, occur in 15 percent of bariatric surgery patients. It usually requires surgical repair.


    Mayo Clinic: Complications from Bariatric Surgery

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