• Changing your phone number may be necessary if you are receiving unwanted calls or simply want a local one. By contacting your cell carrier, you can simply pay to have it switched. If you are done with your contract and are considering switching carriers, you can get a new local number by doing so--and may be able to save yourself some money as well.

    Contact Your Carrier

    Give your cell phone carrier a call. They will know how you can change your number. There are many reasons to change your number, and they deal with that kind of customer service all the time. With AT&T, a customer representative will first verify your account. They then have the authority and ability to change your number (for a fee) and may have to send you a new SIM card for your phone to use the new number on their network. Call Verizon from a land line to change your number. After verification, they can change your number as easily as any other company. They will charge a fee and talk you through the steps to reprogram your phone. This is necessary for the changes to take effect because Verizon doesn't use SIM cards.

    Switch Carriers

    Move to a different carrier. Although you can take your number with you, switching companies is the perfect time to get a new one. Call your current company and find out if you are under contract. If not, you can cancel with no penalties. If so, you may have to pay a pro-rated early termination fee or penalty. Register for a new account. Your new phone will come with a different number. Although this may cost more up front, you may be able to find a lower cost plan when you switch. You can also get a pay-as-you-go phone from AT&T, Verizon or Boost mobile and get a new number with it. When your contract is up with your old phone, cancel it and use your new pre-paid phone. This gives you ample time to tell your friends and family your new number so that you do not lose contact with anyone.


    Bell Canada: Changing Your Mobile Phone Number

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