• Blood pressure is an important vital sign in determining the health of a patient. Diastolic blood pressure can tell much about a patient's cardiovascular health.

    What is Blood Pressure?

    When the heart contracts, it sends blood rushing through the arteries. The force of blood rushing through the arteries is the systolic pressure; this is the top number in the blood pressure reading. When the heart relaxes, there is still a lower pressure present against the arterial walls. This is the diastolic pressure.

    Diastolic Blood Pressure Range

    Diastolic pressure can indicate the presence of cardiovascular disease. A diastolic pressure above 90 is considered high. A diastolic pressure below 60 is considered low.

    What a High Number Means

    If your diastolic blood pressure is too high, your arteries are likely restricted by plaque and you are at an increased risk of stroke or heart attack.

    What a Low Number Means

    If your blood pressure is too low, then your blood may not be able to fully reach all of the internal organs, causing cells to die and resulting in organ damage.


    High or low diastolic pressure can indicate the presence of a larger problem or disease of the cardiovascular system. Your doctor can recommend treatments such as diet or exercise, or prescribe medications for the treatment of your condition.


    eMedtv: Diastolic Blood Pressure

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