• Nighttime dry mouth can be caused by dehydration, breathing through the mouth while sleeping, interaction of medications, or it can be a symptom of stress and anxiety.


    Nighttime dry mouth symptoms may include a lack of saliva in the mouth, the build up of white discharge on the lips, and a sore throat.

    Isolating the Problem

    To determine the source of nighttime dry mouth, determine whether the dry mouth is present only during sleep. Recent changes in medications or vitamins may cause dry mouth throughout the day and while sleeping. Anxiety can lead to dry mouth that may come and go, and could peak at night as a result of anxiety dreams. Dehydration is a common source of dry mouth that is isolated to sleeping hours.

    Foods that Cause Nightime Dry Mouth

    Some foods can cause nighttime dry mouth. In particular, salty foods may deprive the body of hydration sources. Eliminating alcohol and salty foods such as soy sauce or canned foods can help the body retain hydration throughout the night.


    Nighttime dry mouth can lead to tooth sensitivity, sore throat, poor sleep, and bad breath.


    Treatments for nighttime dry mouth include running a humidifier while sleeping, practicing meditation or yoga to relieve stress-related dry mouth, and addressing issues with snoring or congestion that might cause open mouth breathing at night. In addition, you may want to talk to your doctor about medication interactions or underlying medical causes that may contribute to nighttime dry mouth.

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