• The discs on the cervical vertebra act as cushions between the bones of the spine in the neck region. Herniation of these discs on the cervical spine may cause potential risks for various debilitating conditions.


    The spinal nerves that supply the motor and sensory function of the arms and neck pass through the cervical spine. The herniated disc may protrude and compress the spinal nerves with resulting neurological symptoms.


    Pain in the arm and the neck are the most common symptoms of cervical herniated disc. The herniated disc may compress the nerves passing through the cervical spine, causing symptoms to radiate down the nerve pathway from the neck and arms. Neurological symptoms such as tingling, numbness and muscle weakness also occur.


    Aging, smoking, genetics, occupational and recreational activities may cause degeneration of the cervical disc. Trauma, injuries, poor posture and underlying pathological conditions such as spinal deformities may also cause cervical disc herniation.


    Medication is the first line of treatment to relieve pain, swelling and muscle spasm. Heat and cold therapies are helpful in relaxing the affected muscles. Physical therapy exercises maintain the flexibility of the affected muscles through stretching and massage. Bracing and traction also provide relief from pain caused by an impinged nerve on the cervical spine.


    Severe impingement of the nerve from a cervical herniated disc may result in disabling neurological symptoms. Surgery is often indicated to relieve the debilitating symptoms caused by a severe cervical herniated disc.


    Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch: Cervical Disc Herniation

    Spine Health: Cervical Herniated Disc Symptoms and Treatment

    Mayfield: Herniated Cervical Disc

    More Information:

    Medtronic: About Cervical Herniated Discs

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