• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Synthetic Diamonds Are Good

    Synthetic diamonds have become so mainstream that the Gemological Institute of America, the organization responsible for the "four C's of cut, color, clarity and carat," have begun grading their quality. This means that lab-grown diamonds are being given validity. Making a synthetic diamond mimics the process of a diamond's development, underground or in space. In addition, synthetic diamonds do not cost human lives as the Africa blood diamond trade does.

    On the Other: Elite Jewelers Snub Synthetics

    Tiffany and other elite jewelers discount synthetic diamonds. They believe that there is no comparison to a natural diamond, which takes 3 billion years to make versus a synthetic diamond, which takes four days to two to four weeks to make, depending on the process.

    Bottom Line

    People cannot tell the difference between a synthetic and a natural diamond, because they are identical to the naked eye. Jewelers can only tell the difference by looking through their loupe for the government's Federal Trade Commission inscription. Synthetic stones cost about 15 percent less than mined diamonds.


    CNET News: Synthetic Diamonds Still a Rough Cut

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