• The sciatic nerve provides feeling to the feet, legs and thighs, and controls many of the lower leg muscles. Sciatic pain occurs when there is irritation to the roots of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine; it has a variety of causes.

    Herniated Disc

    A disc becomes herniated when the tough outer covering degenerates, allowing a gel-like substance to seep out. The herniated disc may then put pressure on the nerve root causing pain.

    Spinal Stenosis

    Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal narrows, and puts pressure on the spinal cord or roots of branching nerves. If the narrowing happens in the lower spine, sacral and nerve roots can be affected.


    Spondylolisthesis is the result of a degenerative disc disease that causes one vertebra to slip forward over another. This bone displacement can pinch the sciatic nerve.

    Piriformis Syndrome

    This condition occurs when the piriformis muscle, which runs right above the sciatic nerve, tightens or has spasms. When this happens, it puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.

    Other Causes

    A tumor occurring inside the spinal cord can put pressure on the cord itself or the nerve roots. Other causes include a blow to the spine, or injury directly to the sciatic nerve.


    Mayo Clinic: Sciatica

    WebMD: Pain Managment and Sciatica

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