• Applied behavior analysis (ABA) refers to a counseling technique that can be used to change maladaptive behaviors. Therapists who use ABA approach counseling with an emphasis on observable actions rather than internal mental processes.


    ABA stems from behaviorism, a philosophy of psychology driven by notable theorists such as Ivan Pavlov and Burrhus Frederic Skinner.


    Behaviorists believe that all human actions should be defined as behaviors which can be observed and measured scientifically.

    Common Uses

    ABA has been found to be effective when used to improve the social skills of children with autism, when changing specific behaviors such as littering and when treating phobias.

    Operant Conditioning

    Operant conditioning refers to a learning process in which positive reinforcements can be used to increase a behavior, and negative reinforcements can be used to reduce them. ABA therapists can use this knowledge to their advantage during the counseling process.


    Flooding is a technique in which a client with a phobia will be overwhelmed by a feared stimulus. For example, someone afraid of heights might accompany their therapist to the top of a tower. This technique, though extreme, can effectively reduce the phobic response.

    Source: Applied Behavior Analysis

    ABAI: What is Behavior Analysis?

    IABA: Professional Training Resources

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