• A fibroid is a non-cancerous growth that develops on the uterus. According to the Mayo Clinic, as many as three out of four women have fibroids. In most cases, fibroids do not cause symptoms.


    Fibroids that cause pain often need emergency surgery. This pain is usually sharp and in the pelvis.


    Other symptoms that often accompany pelvic pain include heavy periods, increased irritation and pain in the legs and back.


    If a fibroid grows bigger than its blood supply, it will die off and cause acute pain. According to the Mayo Clinic, the byproducts from the dying tissue will cause fever and sharp pain.


    Another cause of fibroid pain is when the mass grows very large and pushes on the surrounding organs.


    Surgery to remove a fibroid that is causing pain can range from taking out the fibroid only or the entire uterus. A woman will want to discuss child-bearing abilities with her doctor before agreeing to surgery.


    Mayo Clinic: Fibroids

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