• During the four weeks leading up to Christmas, many Christians celebrate Advent. Each Sunday of Advent, they light an additional candle in the Advent wreath until all of the candles are lit.


    According to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, wreaths were a tradition in northern Europe long before they were adopted by Christians. "People sought the return of the sun in the dark time of the year (at the winter solstice) by lighting candles and fires as early as the Middle Ages."


    The flames of the candles in the Advent wreath symbolize the light that Christ brought to the world. Each week, as Christians light another Advent candle, they increase the amount of light, bringing them one week closer to Christmas and the birth of Christ.


    The colors of the candles have significance. According to Father William Saunders, a Catholic priest, "three candles are purple, symbolizing penance, preparation, and sacrifice; the pink candle symbolizes the same but highlights the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, when we rejoice because our preparation is now half-way finished."


    Each week as a new candle is lit Christians recall part of the story of Christ's birth. The first candle is the prophet candle, the second is Bethlehem, the third is the shepherd candle and the fourth is the angel candle. Sometimes there is an additional candle in the middle of the wreath that is lit on Christmas Eve to represent Christ himself.


    The United Methodist Church assigns themes to the four candles. "The lighting of the first candle symbolizes expectation, the second symbolizes hope, the third joy and the fourth purity."


    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: What is an Advent Wreath?

    Catholic Education: The Liturgical Season of Advent

    United Methodist Church: What do the candles in our Advent wreath mean?

    More Information:

    The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod: Advent

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