• BEAM chemotherapy is a high dose cancer treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It consists of the pharmaceutical drugs BiCNU, Etoposide, Arabinoside and Melphalan.


    BEAM chemotherapy is used to destroy cancer cells present in the bone marrow, usually before a scheduled stem cell or bone marrow transplant.


    High dose chemotherapy also destroys stem cells in the bone marrow. It reduces the number of white blood cells and platelets produced by the bone marrow.


    BEAM chemotherapy is given over eight days via a drip line. Carmustine (BiCNU) is given the first day. Cytarabine (Arabinoside) and etoposide are given on days two to five. Melphalan is given on day six. On day seven, no medications are given. Stem cells are given on day eight.

    Side Effects

    Patients who have undergone BEAM chemotherapy can expect bruising and bleeding, fatigue, loss of breath, nausea, hair loss and loss of appetite.


    Lower doses of BEAM chemotherapy is called mini-BEAM. Doctors use this treatment to see its effectiveness, before proceeding with the high dose therapy.


    Macmillan Cancer Support : BEAM Chemotherapy

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