• Green tea is widely known to be beneficial to our health. While it's true green tea can boost metabolism, it cannot do it significantly when used alone.

    General Effects

    Green tea can lower sugar levels in your body, burn fat and lower absorption of starch with three or four cups each day. But green tea alone is not enough to significantly boost metabolism.

    Caffeine and Metabolism

    It was initially thought that caffeine in green tea boosts metabolism. But more research points to something else (possibly polyphenols) in green tea, since the same amount of caffeine in coffee, for example, does not boost metabolism.

    Comparitive Effects

    Drinking four or five cups of green tea throughout the day can help burn approximately 60 extra calories, the same as about six minutes of jogging.

    Healthy Alternative

    Replacing other sources of caffeine (coffee, sugary lattes or cappuccinos) with green tea is a healthier alternative which promotes better metabolism.


    If you couple regular green tea consumption with exercise, and a good diet, you can benefit from the metabolism boosting potential far more than drinking green tea alone and you may see a difference in your health.


    Health Publications: Green Tea

    Health Publications: Metabolism Boosters

    Top Five Ways to Boost Metabolism

    More Information:

    Green tea

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