• A doctor performs the nuclear stress test by injecting the patient with a radioactive thallium dye after the individual exercises to increase the heart rate. This type of test is usually used to help diagnose serious heart problems.


    Nuclear stress tests are performed on a person's heart to monitor how well it pumps blood during resting and active states.


    Physicians use a nuclear stress test to check for heart conditions in patients at risk for heart disease. In addition, the doctor may have to use this test when a physical stress test inadequately identifies the origin of heart problems.


    The nuclear stress test provides images from inside the chest cavity, giving the doctor a more in-depth look at the circulatory system.

    Other Reasons For the Test

    Doctors often perform this kind of test after a patient has had a heart attack to determine how the heart attack might affect his life, such as determining whether he can exercise. The test also measures the effectiveness of blood circulation after heart treatment.


    Physicians may use the nuclear stress test in tandem with other stress tests, such as an echocardiogram, because a woman's breast tissue and the human diaphragm sometimes produce misleading results.


    Mayo Clinic: Nuclear stress test

    Texas Heart Institute: Nuclear (Thallium) Stress Test

    National Institutes of Health: Thallium stress test

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