• Heart attacks can take many forms, and they don't always come on fast and strong like the do in movies, either. According to the American Heart Association, most attacks start slowly and with mild pain. Although chest pain is the most common sign of heart attack, that is not always the case.

    Shortness of Breath

    According to the American Heart Association, shortness of breath is a common heart attack symptom, often experienced by women. It may feel like someone is sitting on your chest or squeezing your lungs, making it difficult to breathe deeply or to catch your breath.

    Chest, Neck, and or Arm Pain

    Crushing or burning pain that begins in the center of the chest and then spreads outward from the core to the arms, shoulders neck and even the jaw is a common symptom of heart attack. This pain can vary from mild to extreme.

    Nausea or Vommiting

    In some instances, nausea and vomiting are the only sign that a heart attack is occurring. If sudden vomiting occurs in addition to a strange feeling in the chest, seek emergency treatment immediately.

    Time Frame

    Do not wait if you suspect you are having a heart attack. Most Emergency Medical Services advise you to call 911 within five minutes of your first symptoms.

    What To Do

    After you have called an ambulance, the American Heart Association recommends that you immediately chew one adult-strength aspirin, as doing so can increase your chances of survival.


    Aspirin in Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention

    Heart Attack Symptoms and Warning Signs

    What a Heart Attack Feels Like

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