• Many fruit seeds are poisonous if eaten. These seeds contain a cyanide and sugar compound known as amygdalin, which breaks down into the poison hydrogen cyanide when metabolized within the body.


    Apple, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, and plum seeds all contain cyanide.


    Fruits have toxic seeds as protection against animals. Since the seeds can't be eaten, they must be discarded, allowing for continued propagation of the fruit.


    Eating poisonous fruit seeds can cause abdominal pain, excessive sweating, lethargy, and vomiting. In severe instances, coma, convulsions and even death may result.


    The body detoxifies small amounts of cyanide without much trouble. You would have to ingest large amounts of apple seeds before suffering fatal consequences.


    While apricot and peach pits are large enough to avoid, apple seeds may sometimes be accidentally ingested. Apple seeds have a hard, durable outer shell that can pass through the digestive system unharmed, preventing the release of harmful toxins.


    Snopes: Bad seed

    AskMen: 5 poisonous foods

    Nova Scotia Museum: The Poison Plant Patch

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