• Criteria pollutants are commonly found air pollutants that can harm your health and the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these pollutants are called "criteria" because it regulates them by developing human health-based and/or environmentally based criteria for setting permissible levels.

    Criteria Pollutants

    Ozone, particle matter (also known as particle pollution), carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and lead are six common criteria pollutants.


    These criteria pollutants are found all over the United States.

    Health Effects

    Exposure to these criteria pollutants are linked with heart and lung diseases, respiratory problems and premature death.

    Chief Health Threats

    The Environmental Protection Agency says that of the six criteria pollutants, particle pollution and ground-level ozone exposure pose the most widespread health threats. Ground-level ozone is a primary element of smog.

    Automobiles and Carbon Monoxide

    Carbon monoxide is a criteria air pollutant that's toxic to healthy people at high concentrations in the air. It can have adverse effects on people with heart disease and contribute to central nervous system problems. Carbon monoxide emissions primarily come from motor vehicle exhaust. According to the EPA, vehicle exhaust contributes about 56 percent of CO emissions nationwide.


    Environmental Protection Agency: Six Common Air Pollutants

    More Information:

    Environmental Protection Agency: Criteria Pollutant Area Summary Report

    Environmental Protection Agency: National Ambient Air Quality Standards

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