• Honeydew, technically called Cucumis melon, refers to a popular type of melon. The ancient Egyptians considered the honeydew a sacred fruit and Napoleon and Pope John Paul II ate this more than any other fruit.


    The ideal honeydew melon should have an almost perfect spherical shape, no cuts or aberrations on the outer shell or bruising or soft spots and feel waxy.


    This type of fruit contains only minute amounts of salt, fat and cholesterol. In addition, it has 53 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C per serving and 8 percent of the vitamin B6 needed per day per serving.


    Honeydew is perennially available in the U.S. From May through October, honeydew grows in the Southwest U.S., especially California, Arizona and Texas. The rest of the year, the U.S. imports honeydew from Mexico.


    To transport honeydew, producers should keep shipments between 45 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. For retail, honeydew can stay at room temperature for two to four days.


    Honeydew is the sweetest kind of melon. When picking one, consumers should choose those that are yellow and firm, with a little bit of softness to them.

    Source: Honeydew Melon

    University of California-Davis: Honeydew Melon Honeydew Nutrition Facts

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