• According to University of Maryland Medical Center, skin burns happen by exposure to fire, electricity, corrosive chemicals or radiation. Burns come in three varying degrees of severity and each requires different forms of treatment.

    First-Degree Burn Treatment

    Run cold water on the burn for approximately five to 10 minutes and apply a cool compress. Do not apply oils or ice to the burn. You can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce swelling and pain.

    Second-Degree Burn Treatment

    If the burn causes blisters to form, do not break them. Do not remove any clothes that may be stuck to the skin. Run cold water for five to 10 minutes and apply a cool compress. Make sure to elevate the burned area above the heart. You may take ibuprofen or other OTC pain medications and apply Bacitracin ointment or honey to prevent infection.

    Third-Degree Burns

    Call 911 immediately. If the person is on fire, have them stop, drop and roll. Make sure the airway is open and the person is breathing. Run cool water over the burned area and elevate the burned area above the heart. Cover any burned areas with a sterile bandage

    Post-Burn Pain

    Some people will experience pain and anxiety during and after the recovery process. Massage therapy, hypnosis, therapeutic touch and acupuncture may be helpful.


    Eating a diet high in antioxidant foods such as fruits and vegetables can help improve the healing process.


    University of Maryland Medical Center: Burns

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