• Nursing mothers who find themselves short on breast milk have many alternatives to improve their milk supply and meet their baby's needs.

    Nurse More Often

    Perhaps the best way to increase your milk production when breastfeeding is to increase the amount of nursing your breastfeeding infant does. Your body will respond to the signals of increased demand and produce more milk.

    Nurse on Demand

    If you try to put your baby on a schedule, you risk lowering your milk supply. Nurse your baby whenever she is hungry to increase your breast milk production.

    Check the Latch

    Make sure your baby is latched onto your breast correctly, and fix any problems. The breastfeeding support group La Leche League is a good source of information on proper breastfeeding technique.

    Avoid Bottles, Pacifiers

    If your baby is meeting his need to suck through a bottle or a pacifier, that can affect your milk supply. If possible, minimize the use of bottle-feeding and avoid pacifiers to increase your breast milk production.

    Consider Supplements

    Some naturopaths believe the herbs milk thistle and fenugreek can increase breast milk production. Others endorse the herbal "Mother's Milk" tea blends found at health food stores, which often contain fenugreek and other herbs that can help improve milk production.

    Source: What to Do After the Birth

    La Leche League: Answer Pages

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