• There are a variety of symptoms that mark the most common type of blood cancer, leukemia, and they depend on where abnormal cells are amassing in the body.


    The most common types of blood cancer are chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia and hairy cell leukemia.


    Common symptoms of blood cancer include fever or night sweats, regular infections, fatigue, headaches, easy bruising or bleeding, pain in bones and joints, abdominal issues such as swelling or discomfort, swollen lymph nodes and weight loss.


    A high level of white blood cells and low level of hemoglobin may be signs of blood cancer. The presence of abnormal cells in bone marrow is also a sign of blood cancer.


    A physician typically checks for physical symptoms as noted above, but other more intensive procedures can lead to the diagnosis of blood cancer, such as blood tests and a biopsy of bone marrow.


    Many times, blood cells that do not mature properly can develop into leukemia. According to the National Cancer Institute, workers exposed to low levels of benzene have a higher chance of being diagnosed with leukemia.


    Medpedia: Blood Cancer

    National Cancer Institute: Fact Sheet

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