• The flu is caused by a respiratory virus which spreads through droplets sent airborne when an infected person coughs or sneezes. According to the Centers for Disease Control, a person with the flu virus is contagious a day before symptoms appear to five days after they begin.

    Fever and Chills

    People with the flu generally run a fever between 102 and 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Chills often accompany the fever.

    Head and Body Aches

    Flu sufferers may have a throbbing headache and their muscles and joints may be achy or extremely painful.


    Extreme fatigue and tiredness are also common flu symptoms. Dizziness may accompany the fatigue.

    Sore Throat and Cough

    While a sore throat and cough generally develop with the other flu symptoms, these respiratory symptoms tend to get worse 2 to 4 days after the illness began, as the other symptoms start to go away.

    Vomiting and Diarrhea

    While vomiting and diarrhea typically are not symptoms of seasonal flu, they frequently occur in cases of H1N1, or "swine" flu.


    CDC: Seasonal Influenza Flu Symptoms

    New York Times: Flu - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

    More Information:

    Mayo Clinic: Flu symptoms self-assessment

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