• Sewer vent pipes play an essential role in eliminating toxic gases from a home's sewer system while allowing air into the pipes for the movement of water.

    DWV System

    Sewer vent pipes make up part of the drain-waste-vent, or DWV, system that removes sewer water and gases from a home, according to

    Gas Exhaust

    Sewer vent pipes typically extend upward from the fixture to the roof, allowing gases to travel out of the home. Multiple fixtures can share a vent pipe system.

    Air Intake

    According to, sewer vent pipes also let air in and out of the sewer pipes to replace (or be displaced by) the volume of water that flows through the drainage system to the sewer below.

    Safety Benefits

    Sewer pipe vents perform an essential safety function. Sewer gases contain methane and hydrogen sulfide, toxic substances that can kill or start a fire if not properly vented, according to Dr. Andrew Weil.


    If you smell the "rotten egg" scent of sewer gas in the home or have any other reason to suspect a sewer gas leak, get a plumber or your local health department to check the problem.

    Source: Drain, Waste & Vent Plumbing Systems Drainage, Wastewater and Vent Systems

    Dr. Weil: Savvy About Sewer Gas?

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