• Desyrel (trazodone) is a prescription medication used for treating depression. It has anti-anxiety properties, and can also be prescribed for panic attacks. The most common side effects include sedation, dizziness, dry mouth, headache and nausea.


    According to the medication's manufacturer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, the most common side effect is drowsiness. For this reason, it is sometimes prescribed for depression patients who are also experiencing difficulty sleeping.


    Lightheadedness, or dizziness, is the next most common side effect. Usually this side effect will go away, although it may take a few weeks.

    Dry Mouth

    Your dry mouth will go away in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, keep a bottle of water nearby at all times. Some people find relief from sucking on hard candy or chewing gum.

    Headache or Blurred Vision

    Some people experience headaches and/or blurred vision that should eventually go away. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, take over-the-counter medication for your headache.


    Some people experience an upset stomach with Desyrel. It is recommended that you take Desyrel after a meal or snack, which may help prevent this problem.

    Less Common Side Effects

    Less common side effects of Desyrel include heart palpitations, confusion, nervousness and insomnia. If you experience any of these, let your doctor know.


    Bristol-Myers Squibb: Desyrel Package Insert Trazodone Side Effects

    More Information:

    Medline Plus: Trazodone

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