• Heat stroke is a condition where your body becomes unable to properly regulate its temperature. The result is an extremely high fever that is life-threatening without proper treatment, which makes recognizing its symptoms extremely important.

    Types of Symptoms

    Symptoms of heat stroke include a fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or more, red skin that feels hot to the touch, rapid and shallow breathing, headache, muscle cramps and weakness, reports the Mayo Clinic. Heat stroke caused by hot weather (classic heat stroke) usually has a lack of sweating, while heat stroke due to exercise (exertional heat stroke) typically occurs with sweating.

    Time Frame

    Classic heat stroke typically develops over two to three days, while the symptoms of exertional heatstroke come on suddenly, reports the Merck Medical Manual.


    In addition to the elevated body temperature, doctors look for other signs of heat stroke like a rapid pulse. A quick blood-test reveals low sodium or potassium in most patients with heat stroke, and your urine may have a darker color than normal, reports the Mayo Clinic.


    When heatstroke progresses past its initial symptoms, more severe warning signs may occur like seizures, unconsciousness, hallucinations or severe confusion.

    Prevention During Exercise

    If you develop muscle cramps while exercising in a hot environment, rest and replenish your body fluids with a fruit juice or electrolyte-containing sports drink, suggests the Mayo Clinic. If your symptoms have not improved within one hour, seek emergency medical attention.


    Mayo Clinic: Heat stroke

    Merck Medical Manual: Heatstroke

    Mayo Clinic: Heat Cramps-First Aid

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