• Fungal infections tend to occur more frequently in your toenails than your fingernails because your toenails are confined to a warm, moist, dark atmosphere inside your shoes, which is an ideal place for fungi to thrive.

    Your Toes

    The toes have less blood circulating in them than do fingers so this makes it more difficult for your immune system to spot and then eradicate an infection in your toenails.

    Fungal Infections

    Nail fungal infections are usually caused by dermatophytes, which are a group of fungi. Molds and yeasts can also lead to nail fungal infections.

    What Happens

    These tiny organisms invade your skin through the small separation between your nail bed and the nail or through a cut in your skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. If your feet are frequently exposed to moisture and warmth the fungi is apt to cause an infection.

    Your Fingernails

    A fingernail fungus is caused the same way a toenail fungus occurs. When your fingernails are stricken, your nails may become thick and discolored or break easily. The nails may crumble at the edges, and you may experience pain around the edges of the nail. The nail may fall off, according to Wearing nail polish is believed to contribute to fungal infections.

    Contributing Factors

    Other factors that increase your odds of getting a nail fungal infection include being a diabetic, having a weakened immune system or circulation problems. If you perspire heavily, work in a moist or humid environment or walk barefoot in damp, public areas this can lead to fungal infections.


    Wear shoes and socks that allow for proper ventilation and don't absorb your sweat. This should help prevent toenail fungal infections. Don't share nail clippers.


    Mayo Clinic

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