• According to, you derive energy through food. Your body transforms the chemical energy found in food into carbohydrates and stores them in your muscles, liver, and as fat reserves.


    According to Health Lessons Online, your energy comes from the fats, sugars and proteins found in food. Alcohol is another source, and is usually classified as sugar.


    Your body needs two types of sugars: simple and complex. Simple sugars, such as those found in refined and fast foods, are quickly assimilated and stored as fats. Simple sugars are used for quick energy. Complex sugars are found in fruits, vegetables, whole-grain rice and bread. They are assimilated at a slower rate and provide the energy needed for endurance.


    Protein builds tissue in your body, and is found in eggs, milk and fish


    Fats are found in dairy products, meats, oils and nuts.


    Alcohol is quickly assimilated into your blood stream, and has little nutritional value.


    If your intake of sugar, proteins, fats or alcohol is excessive, the unused energy is stored as fat, and weight gain may occur. Also, foods containing proteins tend to be high in saturated fat.

    Source: Where do athletes find their energy

    Health Lessons Online: Food Energy Sources

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